Discovering the beauty of Mosaic and Glass Art and love for Millefiori.
Tiffany lamp by Tracey Woodroffe

Tiffany lamp by Tracey Woodroffe

It’s not often that we can share with you something that is this incredible! But today we would like to show you how immensely talented and skilled one of our clients is. 

The whole project started when Tracey found an old vintage heavy oil lamp base on eBay, re-wired it and then made the shade using no less than 800 (!) hand cut glass circles soldered together using the copper foil stained glass technique used to make Tiffany lamps. The small red circles are the red glass beads that Tracey bought from us. She said she has been tinkering around doing various stained glass projects but this was the very first lamp she made. Isn’t it stunning?!

The first question I’ve asked her when I saw the pictures was: are you selling these yet? And where?Unfortunately, she said she is not selling them at the moment. Understandably this type of glass lamps take a really long time to make and so they would be pretty expensive if she decided to sell them. On top of that, suitable bases are really hard to find so at the moment it’s just a hobby for Tracey. But what an incredible hobby to have and what fantastic craftsmanship! When we last spoke she was creating a green one – you can see the picture of it below as well. We can’t wait for the next one!

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